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作者:管理员     发布于:2017-04-28    


The magnetic system can be said to be the lifeline of the iron removal machine, which determines the magnetic field strength, work ability and work effect of the iron removal machine. In addition to the various manufacturers will also be magnetic system design as the design of the top priority.


Generally speaking, in terms of improving concentrate grade should be appropriate for the purpose of increasing the number of poles is increased turnover of magnetic material in the separation region of the times; in terms of improving the recovery rate for the purpose is to ensure the premise of a certain grade under appropriate to reduce the number of poles, and the magnetic field strength increasing depth, increasing the magnetic angle to ensure the full recovery of iron magnetic material, at the same time to reduce the magnetic field gradient in circumferential direction, to ensure the smooth discharge of mineral adsorption.


In recent years China's progress in preparation of iron machine is very fast, the magnetic system of magnetic separation equipment is the key to understand the magnetic separator separation of space magnetic field distribution is very important, it analysis of the magnetic separation equipment performance, and to determine the magnetic structure parameters, the suitable magnetic block shape and size, and study the force of the magnetic particles from an important role.

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