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作者:管理员     发布于:2017-03-28    


Considerations for maintenance of iron removing machine:

1. 在永磁除铁机控制柜上给设备停电,并在操作按钮上挂“有人工作禁止合闸”的停电告示牌。

1 in the permanent magnet iron removing machine control cabinet for power equipment, and on the operation button hanging on "people work f no switching power outage signs.

2. 检修前首先要通知调度室,待带式输送机物料运行停车后,方可进行设备的检修工作。

2 before the overhaul, we must first inform the dispatch room, after the belt conveyor is running, the equipment can be repaired.

3. 待带式输送机停下后,将带式输送机头操作箱“就地”、“集空”主令开关打到“停车”位置,并挂“停车牌”,以防不知情人士开机运作,危及维修人员人身安全。

3 to stop the belt conveyor, the belt conveyor head operation box "in place", "empty" master switch to "stop" position and hang "parking card", to prevent insider boot operation, endanger the personal safety of maintenance personnel.

4. 将除铁机上落下的铁器全部清理干净,恢复除铁器送电,摘除机头操作箱“停电牌”将主令开关打到“集控”就地力位置通知调度恢复生产。

4 in addition to iron falling iron all clean, restore the separator power supply, removal of head box "Blackout" brand will be the master switch to "control" is shown productivity position notice to resume production scheduling.

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